Submit your Funniest Stories

Do you have a funny story you would like to share with the world? You are all invited to join in, so submit your funniest story now and it will be featured here for all to enjoy, we could all use a good laugh now and then! Remember to use your URL signature with each story as this will drive traffic back to your site, I will also put a link to your site in the sidebar. Thank you for your participation in making others live, love and laugh.

Friday, October 27, 2006

On-Site Computer Technician

The other day, one of my customers called and told me that he couldn't get his new AV software to install. No matter what he did, he couldn't get the CD to work in his computer. When I got there, everything looked ok until I opened the CD drive and found that he had inserted the CD label down. When I turned it right-side-up I was able to install the software for him.

I'm enjoying your blog. Hope to post more for you down the road.

Larry Gibson is the author of this story Cowboy Entertainer

1 comment:

Sherrykins said...

Thank you for being the first to submit your funniest story, very cute! I'll bet it is difficult to keep a straight face.